Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No news today - Guest Post - Paul Agostino

Weekend Edition: It is often difficult, while traveling, to find something beyond a local newspaper, so you have to settle for USA Today, with its bubble-brained headlines and idiotic bar graphs, if you want something with a bit more scope. My friend picked up a USA Today on a Saturday somewhere on the border of South Carolina and Georgia, glanced at it, and said, "Hey--this is yesterday's paper." I told him that USA today puts out a "weekend edition" on Friday that covers Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He looked over the front page of the paper, then said, "What's the matter--nothing happens in Sandra Bullock's life on the weekends?"

Paul Agostino is a writer living in New York. r living in New York.

Monday, June 28, 2010

No news today

There is no news today other than this - I tried to post earlier - a guest post - and it didn't work. I'm not sure why. I tried several times. So this post amounts to a test.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

No news today - Guest Post - Samuel Ligon

There are reports of startling news from the recent or distant past. Something about oil or a flood somewhere. Something about a military leader being dismissed or named emperor. Something biblical, maybe, involving slaughter and men lying with beasts. Nothing has been confirmed by reliable sources. It's all very unclear, people, and shaded by gossip, rumor, innuendo. Therefore, and as always, there is no news today.

SAMUEL LIGON is the author of DRIFT AND SWERVE, a collection of stories (2009), and SAFE IN HEAVEN DEAD, a novel (2003). His stories have appeared in The Quarterly, Alaska Quarterly Review, StoryQuarterly, New England Review, Noise: Fiction Inspired by Sonic Youth, Post Road, Keyhole, Sleepingfish, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere. He teaches at Eastern Washington University's Inland Northwest Center for Writers, in Spokane, Washington, and is the editor of WILLOW SPRINGS.

Monday, June 21, 2010

No news today

There is no news today. Soon there will be no news from various guest stars. Stay attuned.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

No news today

There is no news today. This has been a newsless week, in fact. Except that there has been a run of comments for the last post, which Molly and I both agree is news.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

No news today

People, I've got to speak about something. And when I say People, I mean Molly, Kathryn, Sasha ... maybe Toni, Megan, and Matt. What I have to say is this, People - There was no news today.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

No news today

There is no news today, nor was there news on Friday. Yesterday, though, we learned that David Markson died. He was a great writer.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No news today

There is no news today. There was no news yesterday. I used to watch the evening news years ago, but haven't in a very long time. I liked Peter Jennings best. Dan Rather could be funny sometimes because he's from Texas, but he wasn't as good as Peter Jennings. I never watched Tom Brokaw. Not once. But he's always seemed like a good man to me.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010