Kamby Bolongo Mean River named one of 25 Important Books of the 2000s by HTML Giant

KBMR was named one of 25 Important Books of the decade by HTML Giant. And was a Page One selection of New & Noteworthy Books by Poets & Writers Magazine.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

No news today - Guest Post - Alex Samets

There is no news today. Just as there was no news yesterday and just as there will be no news tomorrow. Just as there has never been any news. Nothing to report. Nothing to remark upon. Ladies and gentlemen, if I could just have a moment of your time, I'd like to share with you--Nothing. Nothing to share. For that matter, no ladies and gentlemen. There are no ladies and there are no gentlemen, just as there have never been and never will be any ladies and gentlemen.

What remains? What predates? What will come to fill this yawning chasm? The Internet. Boys. Empty barstools next to no one. Robert Lopez, not a gentleman. The books that line these walls, the shade of purple she painted her bedroom. The cat, obese and dying.

No veterinarian. No Hudson River. No implements for cleaning the wax from your ears. We are doomed to deafness. We are doomed to abandon our bridges and walk across silt to New Jersey. Our animals will suffer. We, too.

Alex Samets rocks, steady. She holds an Irrelevant Degree in Something Intangible from Sarah Lawrence College. Actually, two. As she is from Vermont, one ought never offer her a sweetener pretending to be maple syrup, as humans from colder regions can taste falsity--it's something in the down, the fleece, the wool they have to wear. Alex Samets protects herself. Publish her work, if you want. Someone should.

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